Velop Solid Red Light: Causes And Fixes
While using the velop network, there might be a case that you face a Velop solid red light issue unexpectedly. You might be unable to get the ideal light indication as there can be several unrecognizable causes behind this. So, go through this page’s information to check out the possible reasons and the relevant solutions.
Check Nodes Placement
Before anything else, verify that the velop and satellites are placed ideally as the wrong placement can interrupt the connection. Try changing their locations and moving them closer to each other if they are far away. In fact, choose the central location for the main node and place the parent nodes closer to the router and velop. Also, for better placement recommendations, you must use the Spot-Finder feature on the Linksys WiFi app. This feature will suggest some better placement ideas for the velop and nodes.
Remove External Interruptions
While changing the locations of the nodes, try to keep the interrupted things away from them. This includes your house’s electrical things such as smart TVs, CCTV, refrigerators, microwave ovens, Bluetooth devices, gaming consoles, and others. So, keep these things away from the nodes so that there will be no interference in the signals. Here, we recommend you place the nodes at least two feet above the ground floor.

Make A Strong Connection
In the second step, ensure these nodes are connected strongly and tightly together. To get to know the connection strength, check the ethernet wires that you are using for your velop and nodes. Replace them if needed as these wires also play a crucial role in connectivity along with the best placement. Moreover, don’t skip checking the ethernet ports of nodes whether they are working or not.
Check Internet Plan
Apart from that, try checking the existing router’s internet plan activation. Or whether your router is providing enough internet signals or not. Sometimes, the actual fault is in the router instead of the nodes. So, contact your ISP to get confirmation about this and ensure your router is in working condition.
Check The Velop’s Network
If the velop solid red light issue persists after attempting those points, then check the entire network of velop. There can be some mistakes in the currently configured settings on which the velop is running. Or the network settings require some changes and the outdated settings are making the network sluggish and red light also. So, go to the velop’s web or app management window and check the wireless settings from there. Also, change the network SSID password to keep it safe from unauthorized users.