Points You Need To Use For Linksys Extender Setup

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Did you get a new Linksys extender and want it’s perfect setup? Obviously, who else wants a setup full of hassle and errors? But, don’t worry we’re here to explore some useful points that you can utilize to get a successful setup. So, check and use those points carefully while configuring your device.

linksys extender setup

Check The Manual Setup Guide

The first and foremost point that every new user neglects is to check the Linksys manual setup guide. But, we prioritize this point and recommend you don’t ignore that knowledgeable guide as you can learn a lot from that. That guide will be full of your device’s basic details, login credentials, web/IP address, and some setup tips. So, go through that booklet once and collect the required essential details from there.

Choose An Ideal Location

Right before you dive into the setup process, make sure to place the extender optimally. Use these points as the better placement suggestions:

  • Locate the extender near the router during the setup
  • Keep it away from your house’s electrical appliances
  • Choose a place two feet above the ground floor
  • Locate your extender, router, and device in the same place
  • Don’t place it behind or closer to the thick concrete walls

Use Compatible Devices

The compatibility of the devices such as your router and WiFi-enabled device matters a lot while doing the extender setup. If you are choosing the WPS method, your router must have a compatible WPS button on it. Whereas, if you are using the web-based setup, your networked device’s browser must be capable of accessing http //extender.linksys.com.

Verify The Connection Between Devices

The next step is accessing the web portal using http //extender.linksys.com, but verifying the connectivity first. Ensure the device you are using is strongly connected to the extender for a wired connection. On the contrary, double-check the network to which your device is attached and whether that is official or not. If that is, then move to the next point soon.

Use Linksys Details Faultlessly

Finally, to access the web setup window through http//extender.linksys.com, keep in mind to insert details perfectly. While typing the web or IP address, there must not be any spelling and numeric mistakes. In doing so, you will successfully access the setup window. Later, when you insert the login credentials, try using the default and accurate username and password when prompted. Here the pro tip is to use and follow the on-screen directions as they are shown on the display.

Thus, utilize these points to error-free access the setup window and complete the setup. However, if you need more guidance, then don’t hesitate to contact our tech experts.